I’m a Positive, Curious, and Collaborative product designer.
I like to read, think, write, draw and create. This has brought me into the product design world!

When I’m not working, you can see me doing yoga, biking or socializing. Especially, Yoga has taught me something special. Flexibility has been one of my biggest insecurities. I wanted to improve my flexibility and started following along with some yoga videos. As expected, I sucked at it but I kept doing it. Surprisingly, I’ve gotten slightly better and better at it. Now I can do more advanced poses and flexibility isn’t my insecurity anymore. I have learned that even if something looks daunting at first, as long as I keep at it I can get there eventually.

✨ My favorite quotes

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning” – Albert Einstein

“Strong back, soft front, wild heart.” -BrenΓ© Brown